Thursday, 27 June 2019

Does Resistance Steal Your Dreams?

Resistance is a thief

Fear. Procrastination. Resistance. It all results in stealing your dreams.

Resistance is with us at all times.  It shows up as doubting yourself, acting as a victim, behavior that prevents progress and achievement.

What is the impact of resistance?  It delays you.  Your best ideas don't manifest. It keeps your ego in charge, the part of your brain that doesn’t want to let go or explore new options. You are blocked from accessing optimal solutions and contributing significantly to the world.

An approach as predictable as nature

What if there were an easier way?  One that moved you forward as predictably as nature. A way to remove the fears, procrastination and thievery of resistance.

There is. It involves clearing away negative energy patterns and healing the ancestry and other lifetime energetic influences on you.

This approach helped Katrina far exceed her business and personal goals despite three significant setbacks at the time. Or Tara who experienced huge shifts in financial abundance, freedom and removing limiting beliefs .  They both now have tools to continue climbing to new heights.

Resistance vs. Flow

Are you open to learning how to get unstuck permanently?  Do you want to trade out the layers of fear and negative beliefs for achievement and transformation? Participate in “Optimized Lifestyle with Higher Consciousness Workshop: Ancestral and Other Lifetimes Clearing.” A workshop starting July 30th that will empower you to remove resistance every time. No exception.

You will replace resistance/ego with optimal solutions. Your hardship and struggle will be traded for flow and impact.  Which growth strategy do you prefer?

Take a look, ask me questions in a Free Consult. There is limited time and space to join this workshop.

Act now to remove resistance and create your optimal business and lifestyle.

To your free-flowing lifestyle,

Nancy Clairmont Carr
Where Achievers Grow

ncc removing resistance







Transformation Coach; Business Strategist; Energy Practitioner;
Speaker: #1Bestselling Author; 612.385.3220; Nikken Business and Products  

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Accelerated Transformation

tsp accelerated transformation

Accelerated Transformation

The power of energy. The support of community.  The guidance of infinite intelligence.

Announcing Transformation Subscription Program- TSP.   An online interactive energy coaching community for conscious achievers. Think of it as your personal strategy and energy coach for accelerated transformation. Interactive response and intuitive guidance for optimal business and life expansion. 

On-Call Energy Coach

What stuck points prevent you from optimal growth? Who are you not impacting with your business and message by not asking for help? TSP provides optimal collaboration, guided transformation, powerful expression. Taught by an energy expert who has transformed herself. And will coach you through fear and confusion into accelerated transformation.

  TSP provides online community members:

  • Instruction on accessing intuitive intelligence

  • Monthly virtual energy clearing and activations

  • Energy coaching and strategy optimizing principles

  • A FREE Energy Coaching Session to 1 individual every month

Accelerated Transformation is about multiple concepts- Mental mindset where you are programming yourself for an optimal path and outcome;  Removing negative energy/limiting beliefs and bringing in supportive energy; Understanding strategy as it applies to your particular business; Strategic partnerships to optimize opportunity; and most importantly, tapping into infinite intelligence consistently to optimize solutions at every step so it fits with your desired lifestyle. This is what TSP and the energy coaching model provide.

Allow me to provide inspiration and accelerated transformation for your business and life. So you can impact the world as you desire.

Inspired? See for yourself. Join our online community of inspired achievers now.

Your personal transformation coach,

Nancy Clairmont Carr
Where Achievers Grow

nancy accelerated transformation







Transformation Coach; Business Strategist; Energy Practitioner;
Speaker: #1Bestselling 612.385.3220; Nikken Business and Products  

Monday, 3 June 2019

Transformation Blueprint for Quantum Achievement

Quantum Achievement

Ready for a big life? Want to make your wishes come true?

Announcing Transformation Blueprint!  An online energy coaching program that takes you from strategy, though resistance to outcomes using a blueprint that can be applied repeatedly to create endless quantum achievements.

Personal Guidancehorizontal quantum achievement TB

Transformation Blueprint is ideal for achievers who want time flexibility and prefer working independently.  The coaching process includes strategies resulting in goal achievement and personal transformation. 

It will remove fears, beliefs and obstacles that limit your expression and influence. It intuitively guides your optimal business, impact and lifestyle expansion.


               Transformation Blueprint higher consciousness energy coaching program will:

            • Develop the foundation for ongoing transformation

            • Accelerate goal achievement

            • Increase intuitive intelligence and consciousness

            • Experiencing energy clearing for optimal transformation.

As your energy coach, I share the keys to completely create life as you dream it could be, using your business as an expression of your purpose to have the impact and lifestyle you desire. After using the strategies and tools in The Transformation Blueprint to remove my fears, resistance and obstacles, I created a life of joy, abundance and freedom. I will help you do the same.

Curios?  Take a look. Start your personally guided transformation now!

To Your Big Life!

Nancy Clairmont Carr
Where Achievers Grow
nancy quantum achievement






Transformation Coach; Business Strategist
Energy Practitioner; Speaker; #1Bestselling Author;
612.385.3220; Nikken Business and Products