Tuesday, 26 July 2016

What"s Your Pain Costing? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

 2 pigs showing how pain keeps you from freedom

Pain squeezes your freedom!

Your pain is costing you! What are all the ways it gets in your way?

You know those pains you have learned to live with?  The physical or mental pain from health challenges, or the emotional pain from a relationship gone sour or past trauma, or financial pain from never earning what you really deserve or just hating your job. Yea, those pains. You know what all pain points have in common?  In every situation, there are fears, beliefs, habits and underlying stuck negative energy that keep you from effectively dealing with it.

Tolerating pain is very costly.  In addition to the effects already mentioned, it actually costs you your freedom. Freedom to express yourself as you wish, to develop the gifts you have, to live on purpose and make the real impact you want, and to live the life you deserve.

So how do you effectively deal with your pain so you can have freedom? By removing the underlying negative energy and beliefs.  Are you interested in creating a totally free life?  Do you want to remove the pains you have been tolerating and turn your life around now?

Your timing is perfect.  I am offering an 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will:

  • Launch September 15, 2016. (find out more here)

  • Eliminate fear and limiting beliefs that keep you in a straight jacket.

  • Remove stuck energy that prevents you from healing and change.

  • Release you from your prison and set you free

  • Whether you want to release chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy, The 8-Week Pain Turnaround will help you create the exact lifestyle you have dreamt about.

I have been transforming lives for over 16 years, using my 30 years of leadership, health/lifestyle coaching and energy healing. I removed my own stuck energy and pain and have created more joy and abundance in my life than I thought possible. “Nancy is genuinely interested in helping people. She helped me understand what to change to achieve my goals and be more balanced professionally, emotionally and physically.  Her knowledge is profound. I am always amazed by the variety of tools she offers.  I can count on Nancy for total solutions.” Aurelie Spirito,  www.lilabuffetstyling.com   More success stories at http://www.nancyclairmontcarr.com/kind-words.

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and  find out more here about the program

  1. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

  2. Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at nancy@nancyclairmontcarr.com

Are you ready to release your pain forever? Take the first step now!

You are awesome, I appreciate you!Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , article on releasing pain 8-week turnaround





Nancy Clairmont Carr                                                
Holistic Health and Transformational Guide
www.The Joy-Effect.com.612.385.3220

P.S. Set a time now at nancy@nancyclairmontcarr.com  to talk with me. Join me for Sept 15!

What"s Your Pain Costing?

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Personal Freedom-Express It! by Nancy Clairmont Carr

picture of the word freedom for personal freedom

It’s about personal freedom!

I love Independence Day.  I know it was last week but let’s celebrate it for at least a month!  It represents one of my highest values- personal freedom. It means I get to follow my passion and do the work I love. It also means I get to choose with whom I work, spend time, to whom I listen, how I develop myself, contribute and to whom I answer.  We all do. What a gift.

Life doesn’t’ always serve us equally in opportunity. However, we all have a chance to remedy that and create the most out of it.  I believe in continuous personal development, taking charge of our future and doing what we can to maximize ourselves and our contribution.  That is total personal freedom. When my now 27-year old was quite a bit younger she would ask “Why do you always study self-improvement books?“  Well, because I can.  I am free to do so. Not only do I love continuous personal improvement, but I get pretty excited about seeing others do the same.  When I have an opportunity to play a small role in that growth, it reminds me why I am here and my purpose.

It has to do with serving at our highest level.  We are here to serve humanity in some way. Figuring that out takes exploration of opportunity and personal ability, and of course perseverance.  It’s the exploration of personal ability, applying it and working to improve it that actually creates opportunity.  It’s personal freedom that creates opportunity.

I used toOprah winfrey text talking about personal freedom teach high school.  What a great opportunity it was to mold individuals and support their curiosity.  The students were so eager to create their identity and prove themselves. By creating a supportive environment for them to explore their ideas, talent and ability they began their human potential expansion. The hope is that it doesn’t stop in school and that they will maintain independence of thought and passion, no matter the judgment of others. It is a life-long pursuit and one that continuously repays us in personal rewards of every kind- more joy, abundance, contribution and growth.

So in celebrating your independence this month, your personal freedom, decide how you are going to take advantage it to pursue excellence and reach your highest potential. And how you will turn that into serving at the highest level.  Because you are free to do so.

You are awesome, we appreciate you!

Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on personal freedom





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Transformation Guide



Personal Freedom-Express It!