Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Life After Emotional Trauma by Nancy Clairmont Carr

couple healed from emotional trauma

Freedom from emotional trauma is possible.

Do you remember a time when you had the carpet pulled out from under you from divorce, a death, job loss, betrayal or some other emotional trauma?  Did you ever completely remove your fear, debilitating feelings and negative emotions from it?

Most of us don’t ever fully move beyond the negative energy associated with emotional trauma. We bury it, become victims of it, sometimes get therapy for it, develop some limiting beliefs around it and maybe grow from it. But mostly, time erases the external effects, and we develop coping skills for the permanent newly trapped emotions.

pidgeon be set free from emotional trauma

Set Yourself Free

Being imprisoned by these feelings doesn’t have to be permanent. In fact freedom and forward movement can happen more quickly than you may realize.  If you have experienced divorce or other emotional trauma at any point in your life, releasing the negative energy around it can be done effectively with energy healing. Removing your negative emotions buried deep within can be the difference between permanent self-doubt or creating a stronger, more authentic self and positive future.

If divorce is new to you and you want help with the process and its gripping emotional trauma, come to our FREE January 24th workshop on Navigating the Pitfalls of Divorce.  My colleague Courtney Schneider, Family Law Attorney with Martin Law, and I will help you understand the process, act with confidence and learn how you can release the fear and paralysis associated with one of life’s most challenging situations.  Register confidentially for the January 24th workshop at Also, send this information to a friend in need whose life you would like to positively impact.

If emotional trauma is somewhere in your past, but you are still trying to deal with the after-effects, act now. I can help you clear your fears, set you free and create joy, freedom and abundance throughout your life.  Contact me at or visit my website

You are awesome, I appreciate you!emotional trauma coach and active wellness distributor nancy Clairmont carr





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformation Guide; 612.385.3220

P.S. Space is limited! Register now for the workshop!

Life After Emotional Trauma

Monday, 7 November 2016

Active Wellness Technology Products by Nancy Clairmont Carr

bicyclists showing active wellnessActive Wellness Lifestyle Through Technology

It’s a great day for all people interested in Active Wellness- healthy, active, energy-filled lifestyles, naturally! Nikken has been developing wellness products with nature’s tri-phase energies- magnetics, far-infrared and negative ions- for over 40 years for this tribe, and is launching two powerful new technology products! For product launch details click here product-launch-nov-2015.


Nikken’s Kenko Touch Active Wellness Device

Nikken’s newest energy technology products include The Kenko Touch, and True Elements Technology Shampoo and Conditioner, both with Tri-Phase technology.  What?  How can Shampoo and Conditioner have magnetic, far-infrared and negative ion technology in them?  Well they do! They provide penetrating hair and scalp treatment, and only Nikken could have possibly figured it out.  The Kenko Touch is a powerful energy mover, relaxer and massager that reduces inflammation, aches and discomfort quickly.  The perfect product for active wellness! One client had his foot bunyonette ache go away in 10 minutes from the Kenko Touch which allowed him to resume jogging. How great is that!

My first product experience 17 years ago with Nikken’s tri-phase sleep system helped me resolve in a month, a sleep challenge I had for over 20 years. I have been using and sharing these active wellness products with thousands of people ever since. The list of positive life-changing product experiences for just about every health condition under the sun from these people fills my computer! Nikken provides energy products that enhance every aspect of your lifestyle- sleep, air, water, nutrition, skin care, personal use products and devices. Over the years, the Kenko Sleep System and pimag living water for active wellnessPiMag Living Water have been extremely influential in giving people their lives back. What could be better than living in a wellness home, office or any environment, where if you sit, stand, exercise, sleep, breathe, drink water or eat you can do it with more energy, completely naturally, without having to change your habits? Not much! Total convenience and life-optimizing.

The reason Nikken and their products are so significant is because a whole population of over age 30 (like my friends and me!) has banded together and are trying to stay young, healthy and extremely active forever.  They are tapping into the support of technology products and strategies that help them participate in “healthy longevity”, as described in the book “The Methuselah Effect” by Patrick Cox. With the help of the Nikken technology products this active wellness tribe can do whatever they choose to do- continue with their iron-man competitions, crawl on the ground with their children or grandchildren, release aches and discomforts from chronic challenges and even create a new business to support passions or retirement!

All this and more will be discussed at the New Product Launch Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 6pm at my home.  Click here for product launch details product-launch-nov-2015.You are all invited to participate whether you live in the Minneapolis, MN area or not. We can connect you to the event either through live Zoom video or welcome you in person to experience and learn about the products, Nikken’s philosophy of the 5 Pillars of Health and the opportunity to share Nikken with others. You will hear the profound product experiences of others, along with hearing Nikken leaders discuss how the products and lifestyle suit the Active Wellness tribe. Come and create your health and life exactly as you want it to be!

transformational coach and active wellness distributor nancy Clairmont carrJoin the excitement! For additional info, contact me or check out my website to learn about the Nikken products and other energy shifting ideas!

You are awesome, I appreciate you!

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformation Coach




Active Wellness Technology Products

Friday, 9 September 2016

Transformational coach creates extraordinary lives by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Transformational coach Nancy Clairmont Carr shares her lessons on building her business, The Joy-Effect, in this podcast, “Straight Talk for Smart Business Women”, hosted by Cheryl Leitschuh. Nancy helps individuals maximize their personal power to create extraordinary lives. By removing key success blocks, she helps clients transform all areas of their lives- physical, emotional and financial. Her “8-Week Pain Turnaround” begins on Sept 29, 2016. For more information on how this program can help you turn your life around, click here.

transformational coach nancy Clairmont carr

Transformational Coach Nancy Clairmont Carr

Nancy’s three key business lessons include:

1. Being in alignment is the most critical element for success, joy and freedom.

2. Create a support team inside and outside your business.

3. Get up every day to learn more and serve more.

For a free consultation on how you can move forward to create your extraordinary life, contact Nancy at 612.385.3220 or Check out her website at

Transformational coach creates extraordinary lives

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Will real transformation release your pain? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

real transformation with the 8-week pain turnaroundHow will real transformation improve your life?

Real transformation will release you from
-physical pain – your physical movement will be unlimited
-mental/emotional pain – your feelings and past emotional blocks will not stop you anymore

financial pain – your bank account will expand to meet your needs

You can live pain free and experience life as you have always wanted to live it!  Real transformation will remove fear, limiting beliefs and imbalances.

 Nancy Clairmont Carr helped me on my journey to heal my addiction to unhealthy food, which has been a very complex challenge. She made a big impact in my life. Her work is permanent, transformative and supports a mind-body-spirit approach to health. She is compassionate and nonjudgmental and draws from her many years of study and practice with all aspects of health and the healing arts.  I highly recommend Nancy for increasing overall health and well-being.” Julie Shide, Wealth Manager

Ready to create joy, abundance and freedom from pain with a real transformation program?

Your timing is perfect. Join our 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will

Launch September 29, 2016. (find out more here) You can:

  • Eliminate fears that keep you stuck permanently.

  • Remove imbalances that prevent you from healing.

  • Release your limiting beliefs and become free

  • Eliminate chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy. The 8-Week Pain Turnaround works! It creates real transformation.

I have transformed lives for over 16 years drawing from a career in leadership, health & lifestyle coaching and energy healing- including my own! I now enjoy a life of abundance, joy and freedom. Would that be appealing to you? 

“I was burnt out and feeling lost and stuck in my business. After my session with Nancy I booked 4 events the first month, 2 additional large expos the next, and attracted a business partner I was seeking!  It was like my creative brain worked again! I recommend Nancy for moving forward in your business and in life!” M. Bekkala, More success stories at

Want to become pain free and experience real transformation? Attend the 8-Week Pain Turnaround.

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and find out more here about becoming pain free

  2. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at

Are you ready? Act now to become pain free and create real transformation and joy in your life!  No matter your results from past efforts, 8-Week Pain Turnaround creates results!

nancy Clairmont carr and article on how to creatget u real transforamtion with the 8-week pain turnaround You are awesome, I appreciate you!





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide


P.S. Set a time  to talk at Join me now for a Sept 29 start!

P.S.S. The 8-Week Pain Turnaround will change your life!

Will real transformation release your pain?

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Want to get unstuck and change your life? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

image supporting you to get unstuck

Get Unstuck!

How would life change if you could get unstuck from

-physical pain – would new opportunities open up for you?
-mental/emotional pain – would your relationships improve?

financial pain – would more income create a new lifestyle?

All pain is from being stuck with fear, limiting beliefs and imbalances. Get unstuck, be pain free and live with personal freedom!

 “I was burnt out and feeling lost and stuck in my business. After my session with Nancy I booked 4 events the first month, 2 additional large expos the next, and attracted a business partner I was seeking!  It was like my creative brain worked again! I recommend Nancy for moving forward in your business and in life!” M. Bekkala,

 Are you ready to get unstuck and create a new future?

Your timing is perfect.  I am offering an 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will

  • Launch September 29, 2016. (find out more here)

  • Eliminate fears that keep you stuck permanently.

  • Remove imbalances that prevent you from healing.

  • Release your limiting beliefs and set you free

  • If you want to release chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy, the 8-Week Pain Turnaround will help you create the lifestyle you have dreamt about.

With a background in leadership, health & lifestyle coaching and energy healing, I have transformed lives for over 16 years.  I decided to get unstuck and have created more joy and abundance than I thought possible.

“Before working with Nancy I was mentally exhausted and emotionally empty from a broken relationship. She helped me reframe my value, and release limiting beliefs, trapped emotions and habits that didn’t help me. After doing the energy work with Nancy I was not in such deep heartache and pain, and I could see my situation more clearly. I am moving through the grief process more quickly and am optimistic about creating a positive relationship with a partner. R Loeslie  More success stories at

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and find out more here how you can get unstuck

  2. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

  3. Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at

Are you ready to get unstuck and create the life you really want? Act now!

nancy Clairmont carr and article on how to get unstuck and the 8-week turnaroundYou are awesome, I appreciate you!





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide

P.S. Set a time at  to talk with me. Join me now for Sept 29!


Want to get unstuck and change your life?

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Want to Become Pain Free? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Becoming Pain Free will change your life

Become Pain Free-Change Your Life

What if you were pain free?  How would your life be different?

Without physical pain would you smile more?  Exercise more?

Without mental/emotional pain would you take more risks?  Have more friends?

Without financial pain would you give more to charity? Go on more vacations?

Pain is being stuck with fear, imbalances and limiting beliefs. Get unstuck, live pain free and enjoy life more!

 “I was burnt out and feeling stuck in my business. After working with Nancy I booked 4 events the first month, 2 additional large expos the next, and attracted a business partner I was seeking!  It was like my brain worked again! I recommend Nancy for moving forward in your business and in life!” M. Bekkala,

Are you ready to live pain free and create your future?

Your timing is perfect.  I am offering an 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will

  • Launch September 15, 2016. (find out more here)

  • Eliminate fears that keep you stuck

  • Remove imbalances that prevent healing.

  • Release your limiting beliefs and set you free

  • If you want to release chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy, the 8-Week Pain Turnaround will help you create the lifestyle you have dreamt about.

With a background in leadership, health & lifestyle coaching and energy healing, I have transformed lives for over 16 years.  I have become pain free and created more joy and abundance than I thought possible.

“Before working with Nancy I was feeling mentally exhausted and emotionally empty from a broken relationship. She helped me reframe my value, and release beliefs, emotions and habits that didn’t help me. After doing the energy work with Nancy I was not in such deep heartache and pain. I am moving through the grief process more quickly and feel optimistic about creating a positive relationship with a partner. R Loeslie  More success stories at

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and find out more here about becoming pain free

  2. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

  3. Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at  

Are you ready to become pain free and create the life you really want? Act now!nancy Clairmont carr and article on being pain free and the 8-week turnaround

You are awesome, I appreciate you!

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide

www.The; 612.385.3220

P.S. Set a time now at  to talk with me. Join me for Sept 15!

Want to Become Pain Free?

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Did You Know Pain Costs Opportunity? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

exit sign showing how pain costs opportunity

Pain costs opportunity!

Did you know pain costs opportunity?  What have you been missing?

Does physical pain keep you from an active lifestyle, or emotional pain prevent you from new relationships, or financial pain hold you back from spending more time with family?

All pain is from stuck fear, imbalances and limiting beliefs. Why let it cost you opportunities when you can get unstuck now?

 “My first session with Nancy was incredible!  I felt like I lost 20 pounds of emotional baggage and feel much calmer as a result. If you’re ready to drop destructive habits, emotions and illnesses that no longer serve you, I highly recommend working with Nancy Clairmont Carr. It’s hard to believe something so simple works so well!” J. Robinson

 Are you ready to release your pain and create your future?

Your timing is perfect.  I am offering an 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will

  • Launch September 15, 2016.  find out more here

  • Eliminate fears that keep you stuck permanently.

  • Remove imbalances that prevent you from healing.

  • Release your limiting beliefs and set you free

  • If you want to release chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy, The 8-Week Pain Turnaround will help you create the lifestyle you have dreamt about.

With a background in leadership, health and lifestyle coaching and energy healing. I have transformed lives for over 16 years.  I released my own pain and created more joy and abundance than I thought possible.

Nancy Clairmont Carr is enlightened, compassionate and thorough in her work. She helped me on my journey to heal my addiction to unhealthy food…Her work is permanent, transformative and supports a mind-body-spirit approach to health. She made a big impact in my life. I highly recommend her for increasing health and well being overall. J. Shide More success stories  here .

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and find out more here about the program

  2. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

  3. Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at

Are you ready to release your pain and take charge of your life? Act now!

You are awesome, I appreciate you! nancy Clairmont carr and article on pain costs opportunity and the 8-week turnaround

picture of Nancy




Nancy Clairmont Carr
Holistic Health and Transformational Guide
P.S. Set a time now at  to talk with me. Join me for Sept 15

Did You Know Pain Costs Opportunity?

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

What"s Your Pain Costing? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

 2 pigs showing how pain keeps you from freedom

Pain squeezes your freedom!

Your pain is costing you! What are all the ways it gets in your way?

You know those pains you have learned to live with?  The physical or mental pain from health challenges, or the emotional pain from a relationship gone sour or past trauma, or financial pain from never earning what you really deserve or just hating your job. Yea, those pains. You know what all pain points have in common?  In every situation, there are fears, beliefs, habits and underlying stuck negative energy that keep you from effectively dealing with it.

Tolerating pain is very costly.  In addition to the effects already mentioned, it actually costs you your freedom. Freedom to express yourself as you wish, to develop the gifts you have, to live on purpose and make the real impact you want, and to live the life you deserve.

So how do you effectively deal with your pain so you can have freedom? By removing the underlying negative energy and beliefs.  Are you interested in creating a totally free life?  Do you want to remove the pains you have been tolerating and turn your life around now?

Your timing is perfect.  I am offering an 8-Week Pain Turnaround program that will:

  • Launch September 15, 2016. (find out more here)

  • Eliminate fear and limiting beliefs that keep you in a straight jacket.

  • Remove stuck energy that prevents you from healing and change.

  • Release you from your prison and set you free

  • Whether you want to release chronic pain, double your income, change a relationship, or get healthy, The 8-Week Pain Turnaround will help you create the exact lifestyle you have dreamt about.

I have been transforming lives for over 16 years, using my 30 years of leadership, health/lifestyle coaching and energy healing. I removed my own stuck energy and pain and have created more joy and abundance in my life than I thought possible. “Nancy is genuinely interested in helping people. She helped me understand what to change to achieve my goals and be more balanced professionally, emotionally and physically.  Her knowledge is profound. I am always amazed by the variety of tools she offers.  I can count on Nancy for total solutions.” Aurelie Spirito,   More success stories at

Interested?  Take the next step.

  1. Watch this short video; and  find out more here about the program

  1. Ready to sign up? Call me now at 612.385.3220

  2. Need more info? Set a time now to talk with me at

Are you ready to release your pain forever? Take the first step now!

You are awesome, I appreciate you!Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , article on releasing pain 8-week turnaround





Nancy Clairmont Carr                                                
Holistic Health and Transformational Guide

P.S. Set a time now at  to talk with me. Join me for Sept 15!

What"s Your Pain Costing?

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Personal Freedom-Express It! by Nancy Clairmont Carr

picture of the word freedom for personal freedom

It’s about personal freedom!

I love Independence Day.  I know it was last week but let’s celebrate it for at least a month!  It represents one of my highest values- personal freedom. It means I get to follow my passion and do the work I love. It also means I get to choose with whom I work, spend time, to whom I listen, how I develop myself, contribute and to whom I answer.  We all do. What a gift.

Life doesn’t’ always serve us equally in opportunity. However, we all have a chance to remedy that and create the most out of it.  I believe in continuous personal development, taking charge of our future and doing what we can to maximize ourselves and our contribution.  That is total personal freedom. When my now 27-year old was quite a bit younger she would ask “Why do you always study self-improvement books?“  Well, because I can.  I am free to do so. Not only do I love continuous personal improvement, but I get pretty excited about seeing others do the same.  When I have an opportunity to play a small role in that growth, it reminds me why I am here and my purpose.

It has to do with serving at our highest level.  We are here to serve humanity in some way. Figuring that out takes exploration of opportunity and personal ability, and of course perseverance.  It’s the exploration of personal ability, applying it and working to improve it that actually creates opportunity.  It’s personal freedom that creates opportunity.

I used toOprah winfrey text talking about personal freedom teach high school.  What a great opportunity it was to mold individuals and support their curiosity.  The students were so eager to create their identity and prove themselves. By creating a supportive environment for them to explore their ideas, talent and ability they began their human potential expansion. The hope is that it doesn’t stop in school and that they will maintain independence of thought and passion, no matter the judgment of others. It is a life-long pursuit and one that continuously repays us in personal rewards of every kind- more joy, abundance, contribution and growth.

So in celebrating your independence this month, your personal freedom, decide how you are going to take advantage it to pursue excellence and reach your highest potential. And how you will turn that into serving at the highest level.  Because you are free to do so.

You are awesome, we appreciate you!

Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on personal freedom





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Transformation Guide;612.385.3220

Personal Freedom-Express It!

Monday, 27 June 2016

Optimized Health Includes Body-Mind-Spirit by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Chalkboard showing optmized health includes body, mind, spirit

We need to balance all areas for optimized health

So what does this mean? When we discuss health, aren’t we just talking about how our physical body feels and maybe some mental health imbalances? I think that is the norm, however that only begins to address what really drives optimized health.

Yes, all the physical health markers are important and provide a good baseline for understanding our health. To really understand how to improve it and any associated pain, we need to look at the underlying causal factors.  Everything that affects our body-mind-spirit energy system impacts our health, and everything else about our life!

We usually look at our lifestyle habits to evaluate our health- our nutrition, physical exercise, sleep, stress management and perhaps even the impact our relationships have on us. These are some of the critical factors, although not a complete list. What I have learned is that our every belief, thought, habit, food and other lifestyle choice, sleep, hydration, cleaning supply, cosmetic choice, environmental impact, color around us, as well as all past experiences affect our health. Because many of these factors are subtle and not visible to us most of the time, we don’t realize the impact they have on us. However, they work together to form our physical, financial, mental/emotional and spiritual health. Achieving optimized health is only possible when we look at all the causal factors.

Realizing that an integrated health approach is required is the first step to achieving optimized health. How do we accomplish this? We can begin by doing self–evaluation of what is not working in our life and take inventory of non-supportive beliefs and habits that keep us from our lifestyle goals. If help is needed to address the gap between where we are and where we want to be, the emerging functional medicine health approach provides many solutions. Institute for Functional Medicine > What is Functional Medicine?

Another major contributor to our imbalances is trapped emotions, which cause distortion in our energy fields.  Energy healing provides very effective tools to address these stuck emotions and rebalance the body’s total energy field. Energy medicine practices and tools help create a self- healing environment, yielding optimized health for body, mind and spirit. Traditional medicine does not tap the majority of the root cause of our health and well-being challenges, as it does not account for the synergy of our energy field and the impact each area has on  the other.

A quick example demonstrates how trapped emotions and toxins impact overall health, and normally would not be detected through allopathic or traditional medicine. A client was dealing with an ongoing cough that would not go away with normal health treatment practices. During an energy healing session we discovered several causal factors including a new virus she had acquired, toxins from the chemically treated coffee she was drinking and trapped emotions in several areas of her body. It would have been impossible to detect the trapped emotions and toxic chemicals causing distortions in her energy field, and thus complete healing would have been impossible. We recommended a non-toxic solution for the virus and cleared the trapped emotions and residual energy from the toxic, chemically treated coffee to create rapid improvement of her cough.

No matter what source of help you seek to address the gaps in your desired health and lifestyle, dealing with your total body, mind, spirit energy field is necessary to create overall balance and optimized health.

You are awesome, we appreciate you!                              Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on optimized health





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformation Guide; 612.385.3220

Optimized Health Includes Body-Mind-Spirit

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Self-Care for the 21st Century by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Image of staying the same or changing in an article on self-care vs health careSelf-Care or Health Care- What is Your Choice?

What comes to mind when you hear the words self-care?  Hopefully, strategies you can do for yourself that help you improve some aspect of your health and well-being. Now when you think of the words health care, does the image change?  Absolutely!

For me it conjures up an industry that is responsible for taking care of us, removing responsibility from us to make optimal choices for ourselves for long term health and vitality.  How is that working out? Is our health care system creating a healthier society?  Is it affordable or sustainable?  It doesn’t look like it.

With a $3.24 Trillion Health Care industry in 2015, ( ) and ranking 37th in health by the World Health Organization, it’s no secret that what the US is doing isn’t working to create healthier citizens efficiently or effectively. It’s incumbent upon us as individuals to find less expensive and more effective ways to create real health and make sure we become responsible for ourselves.

Enter self-care. I view self-care as strategies that can be used by individuals to empower them to create better health and well-being by solving problems at the root level.  Or at a minimum, strategies that create more personal balance without negative side effects.  Although self-care has been growing as an industry consistently for the last 30+ years, there is always resistance from those who benefit from society not solving the core health challenges of its citizens.  Industries abound that benefit from keeping us sick, or at least not really solving the problem, which creates dependence on products, services and institutions that fall under the current health care industry $3.24 T umbrella.

As a holistic health and transformation guide, I have been using, teaching and offering self-care strategies for over 30 years.  I love it when I find people who want to help themselves to a more vital lifestyle. It is so exciting when a person makes small or large changes to their daily habits and see immediate and significant improvements in their well-bing. You see, it really is our daily choices that change the trajectory of our future health.

If you are interested in learning some of those strategies, join us this Thursday, May 12. See information in link below. In the end, the health care industry resources are limited and rationed. Those taking responsibility for themselves through self-care will enjoy a longer and more vital life.

You are awesome, I appreciate you!Picture of Nancy Clairmont Carr for





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformation Guide

Self Care for the 21st Century5-12-16



Self-Care for the 21st Century