Monday, 7 December 2015

2016 Spiritual Goals- Are Yours Defined? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

picture of stones representing a feeling of sipritual goal setting

Have You Defined Your 2016 Spiritual Goals Yet?

When most people sit down to write their next years plans and the areas in which they want to grow or improve, the three most common categories around which goals are made include health, wealth and relationships. Those are all critical areas and need to be defined and updated continuously.  I submit that spiritual goals are equally if not more important and are overarching to all other goals.

What exactly does a spiritual goal include?  I look at it as defining who you want to be, how you want to show up, identifying your highest values and then how you are going to live them.  It is not a religious definition, but more of a description of your being. It can also include practices that make you feel more alive and fulfilled.  Some specific spiritual goals could be to learn mindfulness meditation, begin a daily gratitude practice, raise  your consciousness, learn to live in the present moment. If you need some ideas for some spiritual practices that you resonate with, check out this website for a list of 60 ideas. spiritual bucket list

I was having a conversation with a friend recently who was describing how her daughter was behaving, which at that particular moment was not something to brag about.  Instead of badgering her daughter or reprimanding her, my friend simply asked her if that behavior was how she wanted to show up, what she wanted to be known for. My friend said “If it is, be that way all the time.  If it isn’t, it’s your choice, you can change it. But be who you want to be consistently.”  I thought that was brilliant!

Your spiritual goals would guide you into specific behavior and choices at every level. Assume for a moment you decided to be more accepting of others, allowing them to be who they are and being less judgmental.  This may mean you stop defining other’s success or acceptability by your standards. If you live a congruent life, this single decision will impact every area of your life. The way in which you conduct your business endeavors will follow suite, as well as your relationships, how you serve the community, how you lead your teams and family, what you set as personal development goals and strategies, what sort of role modeling you choose. Every choice you make will be inline with this single objective and can be easily measured against it.

It is not unlike what you do in business when you set your purpose, values and mission statements. Only it is much more intimate.  You alone have total control of being congruent with your spiritual goals.  There is no one else that is responsible for you, for your decisions and how you show up.  It is a powerful way to live life if you want to grow, be responsible for yourself, live on purpose and maximize your potential.

This last benefit of maximizing your potential is a wonderful result from setting spiritual goals and living by them.  If your purpose is to grow into who you were meant to become, setting these goals and incorporating them into every area of your life will be life changing and optimizing for you.  Identifying and living your most important goals, including spiritual goals, is worthy of your time at year end and in between.

For more ideasPicture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on spiritual goals on defining and living your spiritual and other goals, let’s talk. I would love to help you explore this idea, expand it or live it out to create the lifestyle you desire.

You are awesome, I appreciate you!





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide; 612.385.3220

2016 Spiritual Goals- Are Yours Defined?

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Setting Intentions, Noticing the Signs by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Setting Intentions + Mindful Actions = Great Outcomes

We all have signs, signals and inner voices that help guide us, or try to.  Some of us notice and pay attention to those signs and others push them out of the way. Why should we notice them?

Good question. What difference does it make?  A big difference. You actually have the answers within you to know what is the best decision going forward in most situations.  The problem many times is not taking the time, or not getting quiet enough to listen to what your inner guidance system is telling you.  Listening to this inner voice will help you make great decisions in all areas of your life.

So how do you hear the voice or notice the signs to get your best answers? Before you can get answers you need to identify the question for which you need an answer. And this would be preceded by deciding what it is you want to do. In other words, setting intentions, or goals or expectations is your first step.  Identify exactly what you want, with as much clarity as possible.

Once setting intentions is completed, you need to pay attention to what comes your way.  It could be in the form of a person that shows up with ideas or suggestions, or the feeling you get in your gut at certain times.  It could be a book that jumps out at you in the bookstore.  Or it could even be your 6th sense kicking in with a knowing of which direction to take, who to contact, or which activity to pursue next.  Listen to this voice and act on it. Of course, you must be open to how this can work for you.  And you need to get off autopilot to take notice of these signs and signals.

How can you create more mindfulness to notice the signs? By taking a few minutes each morning and throughout the day before each new activity to set your intention and expected outcomes.  It will help you to do only those activities that support your intentions and move you towards your goals most efficiently. It also creates a stronger awareness for hearing your inner voice and noticing the signs to get the answers and support you need.

If you have not had success with intention setting, mindfulness or noticing the signs that will help you get your best answers, I can help you with this.  I help people Picture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on setting intentions to create great outcomesbecome more intentional and maximize their potential to create the lifestyle they want.  Call me to learn more.





Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformation Guide


Setting Intentions, Noticing the Signs

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Choose Your Feelings, Create Your Future by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Choose your feelings carefully!

business woman feeling good about the situation in the moment

You can choose how you feel about any situation in the moment.

It is very empowering to know we get to choose our mindset.  If we don’t like what we are thinking or feeling, we can change it. In this moment.  In fact, it is only in the moment that we have influence over ourselves and our future.  All decisions and actions come from how we think and feel.  Our decisions in the moment create our future. And all wellbeing comes from creating positive feelings and actions. The more positive our feelings and emotions are, the easier it is to attract what we desire.  It is a choice.

How do we make those shifts from negative to positive emotions?

Gratitude is the most well known strategy.  We know that any act of gratitude creates an immediate change in how we feel.  In fact, it is nearly impossible to continue to feel negative emotions when we begin to express or feel gratitude.  If the negative feeling is deep, go deeper into the specific person, thing or event for which you are grateful.  Consider what contributed to it, how it came about, why you are grateful for it, how it contributes to your wellbeing.  The deeper you go into gratitude, the more profoundly you change your feelings from negative to positive.

Performing an act of kindness is another powerful way to shift. By focusing on serving others in any way, we remove the negative energy we have been focusing on ourselves. And doing it not for their benefit but from the place of knowing you are giving of yourself.  You can’t help but change your internal feelings, especially when you don’t expect anything in return.

Thinking about something that gives you joy and happiness is another quick way to shift inner feelings. One of the things I love to do is see my children in my minds eye, when they were babies and sleeping, playing or now at their current age living independently and successfully accomplishing their goals.  What a quick turnaround that provides!

Creating internal shifts can also be accomplished by reflecting on past successes and accomplishments.  We tend to focus on whatever is negative at the moment.  By going to recent and other past successes, we can create the feelings we had with those successes and know it’s possible to feel that again.

We have controlPicture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on creating positive feelings over ourselves and our future by choosing our attitude, feelings and actions now. Our feelings determine what we attract to us so it is important to take charge of them by any one of these or other effective strategies.

If you need help with these shifts, let’s talk.  I love nothing more than to empower humans to be more, to be the best they can be in every area of their life.  It is my life’s work- to help people create the skills, feelings and actions that attract to them the lifestyle they desire.

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide




Choose Your Feelings, Create Your Future

Monday, 9 November 2015

Insomnia - you can"t really live with it! by Nancy Clairmont Carr

picture of man suffering from insomnia

Insomnia can be cured!

Living with insomnia my entire college life and the first 15 years of my career has made me keenly aware of how it robs one’s quality of life. I have discovered the cure and no longer allow outside pressures and other people’s choices to bring about a cycle of sleeplessness for me.

I actually left my corporate marketing career voluntarily to create more balance in my life and figure out the insomnia thing, along with addressing a few other lifestyle choices that caused undue stress in my life.  It has been a life-altering journey.

After much reflection, several lifestyle choice changes and many courses, I turned my insomnia-free life and passion for wellness into a business 16 years ago. I can spot stress and sleeplessness in others within a nanosecond. You recognize it too.  The short temper, quick judgment, bags under the eyes, never enough time and no energy are all key signs that not much mindfulness is being practiced, and certainly not much sleep. The thing is, it is so easy to incorporate small changes that can create an intentional, stress-reduced life.  Even if you own your own business or have a big corporate job.

What it takes is a decision to not live that way anymore, to create a plan and make some changes. It doesn’t mean you have to give up your job necessarily, or change everything.  It does mean, however, that you will need to approach what you do differently. Setting clear intentions, creating boundaries, incorporating self-care practices, and valuing yourself enough to take charge of your health are absolutely required. Thinking that doctors alone will take care of you, or anyone else for that matter, no longer serves you. Taking personal responsibility for your health and life can be pretty exhilarating.  Very empowering. And can certainly cure insomnia.

There are manyPicture of nancy Clairmont carr , author of article on insomnia people whose entire focus is helping others create a more vibrant, energetic lifestyle.  Take advantage of the growth of the wellness industry and all it has to offer to create more balance in your life and yes, even better sleep. For some small-changes, big-results ideas, let’s talk.

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide


Insomnia - you can"t really live with it!

Thursday, 5 November 2015

How important IS hydration? by Nancy Clairmont Carr

We forget the simple things that keep us healthy.  Like hydration.

I was visiting with my Dad recently and we were discussing his water consumption, or lack thereof.  At 89 years old, although he has done pretty well, he has habits that don’t always support his longevity and vibrant health goals. I have been asking him to increase his hydration over the last several years and for some reason, he finally did.  Going from 1 glass of water per day to 4-5, he noticed a considerable increase in energy.

Now, my dad is tough to convince of anything, but once convinced, he becomes a zealot of sorts.  He was talking to my Uncle Bud, his younger brother, and Bud mentioned how he had been feeling like death lately, no energy, lethargic and just wanted to hang out on the couch.  So my dad talked to him about increasing his hydration.  After much deliberation with Bud and a few weeks later, my dad called to tell me what happened.  Bud said his whole system changed after he started drinking more water.  He didn’t feel like death anymore, had much more energy and couldn’t believe it!  Just by drinking more water.

Picture of nancy Clairmont carr recommending increasing hydration to get more energy,

Increase your hydration with clean alkaline water to increase your energy!

Of course, I now walk on water in my dad’s eyes.  It is easy to be a hero with basic nutrition information.  There are many different recommendations of how much water to drink for optimal hydration, however as a Health Coach and having worked with all aspects of wellness for over 30 years, I simply ask people to drink about half their weight in ounces of water. Keep it simple!  Most elderly people and about 2/3 of Americans are dehydrated.  If you work out a lot, are on medications or are aged, increase the amount of water you drink. If you eat your 9-11 servings of water based vegetables, maybe you don’t have to drink quite as much.  However, I can tell you that you WILL feel better if you consume more clean, alkaline water. Your brain won’t shrink, your joints will be lubricated, your inflammation is reduced, you will naturally detox, your performance increases, and cognition improves, all just from increasing your hydration with great water! If you want some other great small-change, big-result ideas, let’s talk!

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide


How important IS hydration?

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Social Wellness ~ Online and in the Real World by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Social Wellness is our theme.

We’re all about health and wellness.  Our theme today is “social wellness.”  With a new website, now we’re all about Social.  Not because we’re raving fans of social media.  Simply because we can amplify our passion for and message about Social and Wellness to you here, and reach you on social media there. So, when we talk about Social Wellness, we mean both, health & wellness for you and the social aspects of communicating….with you!

Welcome to The Joy-Effect!

We invite you to take a look around at our new Social Media Pages:

Picture of Nancy Clairmont Carr for article on Social Fitness

We hope our ‘social wellness’ will help you with your health and wellness!






And, of course, if you haven’t been there,

please come in and take a look around at our new site:

We want to be where you are.  When we post our musings and messages here, you’ll see – at the very least – a headline and image and a synopsis in those social media locations.  Our site and the social platforms make for ‘social wellness’ in terms of sharing with you on the web, and making it easy for you to share as well.

Lots of Social Wellness (Part One)

Image of a thumbs up sign comprised of social media icons to illustrate a welcome from Nancy Clairmont Carr

We hope you “Like” it!
            ~ Nancy Clairmont Carr

You’ll find interactive Social on our new site as well.  You can share directly from here! We invite old friends and new fans – you – to circle, subscribe, like, follow and more.  We hope you’ll encourage your old friends and new fans to do the same.  We’ll blog about more places you can find and share our messages, and add your thoughts, in the next post or two.

While we establish ourselves in the channels people like and use, we want to emphasize that the best way to contact us is through our site’s Contact Us … or just give us a call at 612.385.3220!

Thank you for allowing us to re-introduce ourselves!

You are awesome!  We appreciate you!

picture of Nancy

Nancy Clairmont Carr
Holistic Health and Transformational Guide

p.s.:  We’d love your feedback!

Really, please feel free to Contact Us with your suggestions and questions for our site.

We appreciate your thoughts on our offerings, social media, the best ways to communicate with you ~ whatever is on your mind! We’ll listen to your ideas, and we’d be delighted to hear from you! We love the look and feel of our new site and social media pages and hope you do, too.  Please, let us know!

Social Wellness ~ Online and in the Real World

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Nancy Clairmont Carr is here! Hello world! by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Nancy Clairmont Carr is here!

Hello world! Here’s our first post to announce The Joy-Effect Site, incl. FREE offers, health coaching and Nikken offerings.

Welcome to The Joy-Effect!

We invite you to come in and take a look around.

Picture of Nancy Clairmont Carr for

Welcome to the Joy-Effect!
           ~ Nancy Clairmont Carr

Here’s some of what we hope you’ll discover:

Health Coaching

As a health coach I can move you

from aging dis-gracefully

to living a vital, joyful lifestyle.

Energy Healing Services, including

Nikken ® for Work & Life Balance

We have lots of wonderful testimonials!  We’ll blog more about them soon.  We promise!

We have Two FREE Offers

Lots of Social

Image of a thumbs up sign comprised of social media icons to illustrate a welcome from Nancy Clairmont Carr

We hope you “Like” it!
            ~ Nancy Clairmont Carr

You’ll find interactive Social on our new site.  We invite you to circle, subscribe, like, follow and more.  We’ll blog about these yet this month.  We want to hit the ground running … at the same time, we encourage you to contact us through our site … or just give us a call 612.385.3220! For now, we invite old friends and new fans to please find and follow us on LinkedIn.  We hope you’ll encourage your old friends and new fans to do the same. Thank you for allowing us to introduce ourselves!

You are awesome!  We appreciate you!

picture of Nancy

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Holistic Health and Transformational Guide

p.s.:  We’d love your feedback!

Please feel free to Contact Us with your suggestions and questions for our site.We appreciate your thoughts on our offerings, social media, the best ways to communicate with you ~ whatever is on your mind! We’ll listen to your ideas, and we’d be delighted to hear from you! We love the look of the site and hope you do, too.  Please, let us know!

Nancy Clairmont Carr is here! Hello world!

Transformational Guide Spotlight Video by Nancy Clairmont Carr

Transformational Guide Spotlight Video

Picture of Nancy Clairmont Carr for We’re thrilled to introduce Transformational Guide Nancy Clairmont Carr in a new Spotlight Video.

The Transformational Guide Spotlight video is 3 minutes and 55 seconds long and we hope you’ll take the time to enjoy it!


Just click ‘Play’ on the video! Please find the script I wrote below.  I stuck close to it.

You are awesome!  

I appreciate you!

picture of Nancy

Nancy Clairmont Carr

Transformational Guide Spotlight Video Script:

“I am often asked how a person can create more fulfillment in all areas of their life. Many people find themselves stuck in unhealthy work and personal relationships, and physical and emotions challenges and are unable to attract what they really want in their lives. They certainly are not experiencing joy. These stressful circumstances take them in a downward spiral, creating frustration and disharmony throughout their lives. Taking one’s life to the next level is exciting but often challenging when one tries to do it alone. It is difficult finding an effective solution, as the traditional approaches of books, courses and family advice rarely create real transformation. Here are some practical ideas to help a person achieve the life most people only dream about:

  1. Work with a holistic transformational guide who can help them identify what they really want, remove the barriers that hold them back, and then finally make the changes that will empower their life.

  2. Select a guide who is focused on the end result and has multiple tools in their tool kit to assist them. Make sure those tools include body, mind and spirit strategies to make core changes. Investigate the results they have achieved for other people. This will give the person the confidence that they will achieve the results they are looking for.

  3. Finally, ensure there is a good fit between the guide and a person’s needs, personality and style before deciding to work with them. A very effective way to do this is to request a free exploratory consultation.  Talking to the guide over the phone or video helps identify their energy level, abilities and fit much more clearly.

After living a very stressful corporate life and knowing I needed to make some changes, I left to create more freedom and balance in my life.  What I discovered was so powerful and effective for me, and improved all areas of my life, that supporting others to achieve their dreams has been my life’s passion and work for over 15 years. I believe it is our birthright to live with intention, creating exactly what we want in life.

I guide people to do just that. If a person wants to create life changes and is tired of trying to do it alone unsuccessfully, I invite them to discover an effective holistic approach to finally get the results they desire. They can visit my website at and learn more about the transformation process.

Then they can call me at 612.385.3220 for a FREE no-obligation consultation to determine how we would partner together.  Life really can have more fulfillment, abundance and Joy. Thank you!”

p.s.:  We’d love your feedback!

Really, please feel free to Contact Us with your suggestions and questions for our site.

We appreciate your thoughts on our offerings, social media, the best ways to communicate with you ~ whatever is on your mind! We’ll listen to your ideas, and we’d be delighted to hear from you!  We love the look and feel of our new site and social media pages and hope you do, too.  Please, let us know!

Transformational Guide Spotlight Video